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Meet The Team


Jayne O'Brien

I was born in the UK but grew up in South Africa where I developed an interest in sports and was involved in competitive swimming at school.  I have a BSc Sports Science degree and have completed two comprehensive Pilates certifications; the first from Polestar Pilates in 2004 and the second a classical certification in 2013 from The Pilates Standard at PI Studios (originally Power Pilates with Bob Liekens). This started my journey of love and fascination for the classical Pilates method. I have been lucky enough to study with many world class teachers like Bob Liekens, Mejo Wiggins and Sandy Shimoda.


In 2017 I was honoured to be invited to join the highly selective master’s program The Work™ led by first generation teacher Jay Grimes who was a student of Joseph Pilates himself.


In 2023, I was accepted on The Graduate Intensive Cycle 2023 with Lori Coleman-Brown which is a deeper dive into the teaching of Pilates.  Lori Coleman-Brown was a student of Romana Kryzanowska who was a protégé of Joseph Pilates. This makes me a 'second generation' Pilates teacher and throughout my career I have purposely trained with teachers as close to the source of Joseph Pilates to set myself apart as an expert teacher in the Pilates method.


Personally, I am hugely passionate about teaching the authentic style of classical Pilates as I know this will give my clients the best results.

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